5 common reasons why a woman will say that:

1. She has lost respect and attraction for you and no longer feels like being in a relationship

For a woman to get into a relationship with a guy, it usually means he’s made her feel enough respect and attraction for him for her to start thinking things like, “He’s such a good guy and I love the way he makes me feel when I’m with him. I’m really excited about this relationship, because I think he might be the right guy for me.”

Yet, that dream will only last if the guy is able to build on her feelings of respect, attraction and love over time, by being more of the man she fell for in the first place.

Unfortunately, a lot of the time, a guy will usually start off being confident, self-assured, emotionally independent, easy-going or assertive, only to slowly allow those attractive qualities to be replaced by more negative ones the longer he’s in the relationship with his woman (e.g. he begins to doubt his value to her so he responds by being clingy and needy or jealous and controlling, he wants to please her all the time so he becomes submissive around her, he gets used to her being around so he becomes complacent in the relationship and she starts to feel taken for granted).

As a result, the respect, attraction and love his woman felt for him in the beginning slowly starts to fade.

If he doesn’t pick up on that and quickly makes some adjustments to his thinking and behavior, she will then likely decide that she prefers to be on her own, than stay in a relationship with a guy she no longer loves, respects and feels attracted to.

She will then say something along the lines of, “I think it would be better if we parted ways,” as a means of letting him down easy.

Here’s the thing…

If a woman is happy and fulfilled in her relationship with her man, nothing will make her let that go.

So, if your ex wants to part ways, you need to show her that losing you will be a big mistake.

How can you do that?

By actively sparking her feelings of respect and attraction for you again every time you interact with her on a phone call or in person (e.g. by making her laugh and smile, maintaining your confidence with her regardless of what she says or does to upset you, making her feel feminine and girly in your presence, showing her that you’re a new and improved man).

When she feels more attracted to you than she ever has before (i.e. because you are now making her feel attracted in new and exciting ways), she will quickly change her mind about parting ways.

She will then likely say something like, “I’ve changed my mind. I want to try and make things work between us.”

Another reason why a woman will say that she thinks it would be better if you parted ways is…

2. She is interested in another guy and wants to break up with you first

Sometimes a woman might find herself attracted to another guy (i.e. because her man isn’t sparking her feelings in the relationship anymore) and wants to see where things go with him.

However, rather than say, “Look, I’ve met someone else and I want out,” and risk making him angry with her (and potentially becoming violent towards her), or hurting him, she instead says, “I think it would be better if we parted ways.”

Secretly she may even be hoping that if she says something like that to him, he might respond with something along the lines of, “Don’t make your final decision just yet. Why don’t you just take some time apart to think things through? Then, when things have calmed down, we can talk again about getting back together again if you want to.”

She can then use that time to hook up with the new guy.

Then, if her ex contacts her after a few weeks or months to try and work things out, she can say, “Sorry, I know I said I’d think about us, but I’ve met someone else in the meantime and I’m in a relationship with him.”

This is why, if you don’t want that to happen to you, don’t just sit back and wait for your girlfriend to change her mind on her own.

You have to be active about keeping her.

In other words, you need to spark her feelings of respect, attraction and love for you every chance you get, so that if she has met someone else, her attraction for him starts to seem inadequate compared to what she feels for you.

Another reason why a woman will say that she thinks it would be better if you parted ways is…

3. You make her feel more like a friend, which isn’t what she wants from a relationship

For a woman to be happy in a relationship, she wants a man who is good to her, but also makes her feel feminine and girly in comparison to his masculinity (i.e. the manly way he thinks, acts, behaves and responds to her).

If he can do that, she will naturally feel motivated to be good to him, treat him well and make him feel loved as well.

However, if he is a good guy who makes her feel more like a friend or like one of the guys, rather than like an attractive, desirable woman, her attraction for him as a man will start to fade.

So although a woman might still love her man, the love changes from romantic, sexual love, to platonic, friendly love.

When that happens, she will usually find that she no longer wants to be in a relationship with him and she may then say things like, “I love you, but I’m not in love with you anymore,” or “I love you as a friend now,” or if she doesn’t want to give him an explanation she might simply say, “I think it would be better if we parted ways.”

So, if your ex is saying something like that to you, it could be because she hasn’t been feeling girly and feminine in the relationship with you anymore.

The good news is that you can easily change how she feels by making some adjustments to the way you interact with her from this point onwards.

You need to show her (via the way you talk, think, behave and respond to her) that you now have the ability to be masculine in a way that makes her feel like a real woman, rather than a neutral friend.

For example: Some of the ways you can do that is by…

  • Making her smile and laugh when she is trying to make you submit to her dominance (e.g. by creating drama and waiting to see if you’ll fall for it).
  • Taking charge and leading the way in the relationship from now on, thereby allowing her to relax into feeling feminine in comparison to you.
  • Flirting with her to create sexual tension, rather than being too nice or neutral around her.

Then, whether she wants it or not, her feelings will automatically start to change.

She will then start thinking things like, “Something has changed. Being around him actually makes me feel excited again. It feels good. Maybe parting ways isn’t the answer after all. Maybe we really can have a second chance together.”

However, if you continue to make her feel like a neutral friend, she will follow through with her decision to part ways and you may then lose her to the first guy who comes along and makes her feel attracted in the ways that she wants.

Another reason why a woman will say that she thinks it would be better if you parted ways is…

4. You make her feel as though she’s too good for you, which makes her believe you

Sometimes a guy simply gets lucky in hooking up with a beautiful, confident woman.

He might then start thinking things like, “I can’t believe she actually loves me too! She’s just too good for me.”

As a result, he loses confidence in himself and in his value to her, which then begins to show in the way he thinks, acts, behaves and responds to her (e.g. he lets her have her way all the time regardless of how badly she’s behaving, becomes clingy and needy because he fears losing her, doesn’t trust his own judgment and instead turns to her for guidance and support).

Yet, rather than make her think, “Wow, it’s so wonderful that he needs me so much and believes he can’t find a better woman than me. I just love being with a guy who thinks I’m too good for him,” she’s instead going to think something like, “He’s might be a good guy, but his lack of confidence in himself makes him behave in such needy and insecure ways that I can’t take it anymore. I just don’t want to settle for a guy who feels like I’m doing him a favor by being with him. I want a man who feels worthy of me so I can look up to him, respect him and feel proud to be his woman. He just isn’t that man. He’s not good enough for a woman like me.”

She then decides to break up with him and find herself a man who is worthy of her so she says, “I think it would be better if we parted ways.”

Yet, here’s the thing…

If you put your ex on a pedestal and tell yourself that she’s out of your league, eventually she’s going to start believing that about herself, even though it’s not true.

Even though you definitely are good enough for her, she’s not going to believe that if you don’t believe it about yourself.

That’s why, if you want your girlfriend back, you have to get to the point where you genuinely believe you’re the best man for her.

Then interact with her, make her feel a renewed sense of respect and attraction for the new you and get her back.

You can do it, but you have to believe that you can.

If you have any doubts about yourself though, it will come across in the way you talk, act, behave and respond to her and she will continue feeling superior to you and saying, “Sorry, but I still think we’re not right for each other. It’s probably best if we just go our separate ways.”

Another reason why a woman will say that she thinks it would be better if you parted ways is…

5. She has tried to make the relationship work, but nothing is really changing

In most cases, when a woman breaks up with a guy, she’s usually come to that decision after a long time where she’s likely been telling him about her unhappiness.

For example: She might have been saying things like, “This isn’t working. If you don’t take me seriously and sort yourself out, I’m going to break up with you,” or “I can’t live like this anymore. You need to make some changes or I’m out of here.”

Alternatively, she might have even been very specific about what she wanted him to change about himself, like saying, “You expect me to respect you, but you don’t respect me! You just think it’s okay to mess me around and that I will keep taking it. Well, I’ve had enough. If you don’t give me the respect I deserve, I’m going to break up with you and nothing you say after that will make me change my mind!.”

If the guy doesn’t pick up on her unhappiness fast enough and do something to improve the situation, or if he simply ignores her because he assumes that she loves him and will therefore put up with anything, she will eventually lose too much respect for him to want to stay in the relationship.

When that happens, she will usually just break up with him by saying something along the lines of, “I’m sorry, but I’m tired of trying to make our relationship work, I think it would be better if we parted ways.”

So, if you want to get her back, you have to be aware of why she really broke up with you and begin to change those things about yourself.

When she sees that you’ve understood what she wants from you and have already taken steps to change and improve, she won’t be able to stop herself from feeling a renewed sense of respect and attraction for you.

She then drops her defenses and opens back up to the idea of giving you another chance.

Where Guys Go Wrong When Trying to Get an Ex Back

Getting your ex to change her mind about parting ways isn’t as difficult as you might think.

However, it does require that you say and do the kind of things that will re-attract her and regain her respect and attraction for you.

That is why you need to be sure that you’re not making any of the following mistakes that guys make when trying to get an ex back:

1. Promising to change whatever she wants, if she’ll just give him another chance

When a woman is saying, “I think it would be better if we parted ways,” it’s only natural that a guy might think that promising to do whatever she wants is what she wants from him in order for her to change her mind.

Yet, surprisingly enough, a woman doesn’t want that at all.


To a woman, a guy offering to do whatever she wants is just an indication that he’s sucking up to her because he doesn’t really know why she’s breaking up with him.

In the meantime, she wants to see that he understands the problems and is already making changes because he wants to do it.

Not because he is feeling desperate, is trying to suck up to her and is willing to hand over all of his power to her to make her change her mind.

Another mistake that guys make when trying to get an ex back is…

2. Begging, pleading with her or crying to her to seek pity and get another chance

The shock of breaking up might cause a guy to react in ways that go against his better judgment (e.g. he begs, pleads, cries, sulks, or tries to put his ex on a guilt trip).

Yet, rather than make a woman change her mind about breaking up, it actually confirms to her that she’s made the right decision.

Here’s the thing…

A woman’s attraction to a guy is based mostly on his ability to make her feel like she can look up to him and respect him as a man.

So, when a guy is begging and pleading and being emotionally weak, he’s actually ruining her feelings of respect and attraction for him.

Also, a woman doesn’t want to be forced to stay in a relationship with a guy out of pity or guilt, she wants to be with him because she feels lucky to be with him.

Another mistake that guys make when trying to get an ex back is…

3. Asking her to remember all the good times and not walk away from what they once had

Wouldn’t it be nice if a man could re-spark his ex’s feelings of respect, attraction and love for him simply by bringing up all the good times they shared together in the past?

Unfortunately though, life is not that simple.

When a woman has disconnected from her feelings of respect, attraction and love for a guy, being reminded of how good things used to be between them usually only reminds her that all that is now lost.

She then becomes more convinced than ever that it would be better if she and her man parted ways.

So, if you want your ex to change her mind, you have to actively make her have feelings for you based on who you are now.

Don’t bother wasting time reminding her about how good things used to be.

Instead, make things feel good now.

That’s what will change her mind.

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