If you can’t get over your ex, it usually means one of the following.

  1. She is truly the one for you and your gut instinct is telling you that you must get her back.
  2. You have met other women, but they just don’t make you feel the same way as she does.
  3. You don’t know how to attract women when you meet them, so most of the beautiful women you meet aren’t interested in you.
  4. You haven’t been approaching and meeting other women in person, so you don’t feel like you have many (or any) other options with women other than your ex.
  5. The only women who are interested in you right now are not your type.

If she is truly the one for you, then I highly recommend that you do what it takes to get her back. To get your ex back, you need to work out why she really broke up with you and then begin fixing or improving the things about you that turned her off.

Do you know why she really broke up with you? Did you make any of the mistakes outlined in the video below?

When you know where you’ve gone wrong and have either fixed those things or made improvements, you then need to get in contact with her. The purpose of contacting her is to arrange to meet up with her in person so you can get her to experience the new, improved version of you.

At the meet up, you need to focus on saying and doing the things that are going to make her feel attracted to you. Watch this video to understand how a woman’s attraction for a man works…

Do You Want to Move On?

I can't get over my ex

Can you imagine yourself with another woman? Is your ex the only girl for you? If you picture your life in 10 years time, does it include your ex?

If you feel like you want to move on and be with some new women, you should take that step rather than trying to cling to your ex because it feels easier and safer. However, if you feel like no other woman is going to come close to your ex, then you decide to do whatever it takes to get her back.

You are at a point in your life now where you have a huge opportunity to grow and become a better man than you already are. You can do that by doing what it takes to get an ex back, or you can use this opportunity to develop the ability to effortlessly attract women when you meet them.

Wanting to Move On

Let’s assume that you want to get over your ex and move on from her, even though you haven’t been able to get over her yet.

What have you tried so far to help you get over her? Are you mostly sitting around wishing you could get her back, or are you actively having sex with new women and experiencing different types of love and connection?

Have you tried any of the following?

1. Meeting new women

If you can’t get over your ex, the idea of meeting new women probably doesn’t sound appealing. You might have even tried talking to new girls, but they just don’t make you feel like she did.

Why? In most cases, it’s because you’re not in the right emotional state to attract women. They can sense your insecurity about falling in love again and they can are turned off by your lack of desire for them.

When meeting new women, they wanted to feel attracted to you and they also want you to feel attracted to them. It’s not enough just to show your attraction to a woman though! You also have to make her feel attracted to you.

If you’re not making women feel a lot of attraction for you, or if you’re holding back from showing desire or interest because you’re worried about getting rejected or hurt, most women won’t get very involved in the interaction with you. They will feel like something is missing and they won’t open up to show you their true personality.

2. Approaching new women

The fastest way to get over an ex is to begin having sex with other women that you see as being more attractive than your ex.

You can’t achieve that with online dating unless you are a male model with loads of money. Why? Women judge men based on money and looks on online dating because they have so many options (often 1,000s) to choose from and have to select guys based on superficial traits.

This is why you need to be able to approach women in person, so it’s just you and her. When you approach in person, you can make her feel attracted to who you are, rather than what you look like or how much money you make.

If you don’t have the confidence to approach new women and attract them in person, watch this video…

3. Improving your ability to attract women

Whether you want to attract your ex back or attract new women, you can’t do that if you don’t actually know how to attract women.

Most guys never get taught what women are really attracted to in men, so they end up wasting time on things that aren’t very important to women (e.g. being really nice, wearing expensive clothes and shoes, building extra muscle at the gym, etc).

How about you? Do you actually know how to trigger feelings of sexual attraction inside of a woman based on what you say and do around her? Watch this video to find out…

What is Your Next Move Going to Be?

Right now, your ex isn’t in your life. You probably also don’t have a high quality, attractive woman who really loves you. So, what do you want to do about it?

Are you going to let more of your precious life slip away without your ex, or are you going to do what it takes to get her back?

Are you going to remain alone and hope that you get lucky, or are you going to figure out how you can attract other beautiful women, so that you can then move on and get over your ex?

Want Her Back FAST?

Watch a secret video by Dan Bacon where he reveals the fastest way to get your ex back.

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