In this post, I’m going to give you some examples of things that you can say when talking to a woman.

One thing that I want to point out first though is that you can talk about pretty much anything you want, as long as you are making the woman feel attracted to you.

A conversation with no attraction

Where a lot of guys go wrong is that they talk to women in a way that only causes her to feel friendly types of emotions. It’s more of a serious, formal or friendly type of conversation that doesn’t really go anywhere sexual.

You might have seen other guys talk to women and when they start talking to women, sparks are flying immediately. The woman is laughing, she’s touching up on him, she wants to talk to him, she wants to be with him and she doesn’t want the conversation to end.

There is clear sexual spark between them and it happened so easily. He didn’t have to talk to her for hours or get to know her for days or weeks. The spark was created immediately by the way he spoke to her.

Creating a spark when you first start talking to a woman

You can have that effect on women too by actively triggering a woman’s feelings of sexual attraction for you. I’m going to give you some examples of how to do that and I’m also going to explain the most important thing to you and that is why what I’m saying and doing is attractive to women.

Conversation Examples

One thing that I want to make absolutely clear before I give you these examples is this: I’m going to give you examples of what to say that trigger feelings of sexual attraction inside of a woman. I’m not giving you normal, boring things to say or a list of random topics to talk about with a woman.

Giving you a list of topics to talk about with women isn’t going to help you get a girlfriend or get laid. What you need to do when talking to a woman is trigger feelings of sexual attraction inside of her, rather than triggering friendly feelings where she doesn’t have any sexual interest in you at all.

When a woman is feeling sexual attraction for you, she’ll be interested in talking to you about whatever you want to talk about. However, if she’s not feeling any sexual attraction and she’s feeling a bit bored by the friendly, polite type of conversation that you’re having with her, she’s not going to be interested in talking to you for very long if she’s actually looking for a boyfriend or a lover.

So, what I’m going to do here is give you some examples of what to say, but I’m going to say it in a way that triggers feelings of sexual attraction. The words that I’m saying to the woman aren’t that important. What’s most important is how I’m making her feel when I say them.

Example 1

Talking to a nurse

Imagine that you’re talking to a woman and she says that she works as a nurse…

What are you going to say in response to that?

What most guys will say is, “Oh, right…so how long have you been working there?” or “Oh, okay…which hospital do you work at?” and they will have a straightforward, boring conversation that she’s probably a million times before.

That’s not going to make her feel sexually attracted to him.

It might make her feel normal, friendly types of emotions towards him and want to be his friend or continue talking to him in a friendly manner, but it’s not going to make her think, “Oooh…I want to have sex with this guy. I want to be his girlfriend! I want to be with him.”

What will make her feel that way is triggering some sexual attraction. So, if I was talking to a woman and she said that she worked as a nurse, some are the things that I would say include, “Oh a nurse…right, okay…naughty nurse.”

Naughty nurse

Referring to her as a naughty nurse immediately makes both of you start to imagine something like the image above. Thinking of her as a naughty nurse is what immediately comes to mind for you and then for her after you’ve said it.

You’re saying that in a joking, non-serious manner. You’re just having a laugh, you’re creating some sexual tension between you and her and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Charming guy

Women love it when a guy can be confident enough to say something funny like that in an easy-going way. He’s not afraid to make a joke like that, he’s not afraid to bring up something sexual and it’s not that serious.

Example 2

Another way to trigger feelings of sexual attraction when a woman (that you’re getting along with and have already made feel attracted to you) says that she works as a nurse is, “Oh right…a nurse…yeah, nurses are hot…I like nurses.”

A lot of guys are worried about giving women compliments during conversation, but giving a woman a compliment doesn’t make you lose any power unless you decide it does.

Additionally, giving a woman when you are also being attractive to her actually makes her feel more attracted to you because she will now see you as being a charming guy. Guys who make women feel attracted to them and give women compliments at time are seen as charming guys. The basic equation is: Attraction + Occasional Compliments = Charming.

Example 3

Another example in response to a woman telling you that she works as a nurse is to look at her with a smile and say in a playfully judgemental or slightly suspicious way, “Yeah…right…you look like a nurse.” She will then ask you why (and in most cases she will already be smiling or laughing) and you can say, “…because you’re hot.”

So, why does that attract women?

Simple: You are making her feel sexual attraction in response to your confidence and ability to use that type of humor.

What a lot of guys don’t understand is that the things that mostly attract women are a man’s personality traits and behaviors. So, when I’m saying things like that, what I’m actually displaying to the woman is social confidence and the ability to make her laugh.

I’m showing her that I’m confident enough to say that sort of thing when socializing or when talking to a woman. I’m not intimidated by women and women find that attractive. Additionally, some of the things that I’ve said there are going to make her laugh.

You might have heard a woman say, “I like a guy who can make me laugh.” Making a woman laugh is one of the things that will attract her to you.

Not all of the types of humor that guys use are attractive to women. The most attractive type of humor that makes her feel girly in response to your masculinity. It makes her feel like she’s being put on the spot, like you’re the more dominant one in the situation and that you’re confident enough to play with the situation.

You’re not afraid. You’re a confident guy who will say and do things like that without fear. That is actually attractive to women and it’s very funny.

Talk show hosts who use Playfully Arrogant Humor

If you pay attention from now on, you will notice that the most popular of the funny, TV talk show hosts use that type of humor. They are not afraid to say things that are a little bit daring or risky or things that put people on the spot. People laugh at that sort of humor when they see others experiencing it or when they experience it themselves.

It’s the type of humor that makes women feel attracted and it’s the type of humor that makes most people like you, which is why I recommend it (and use it) for success with women and why TV talk show hosts use it to build an audience/following for their show.

Why So Serious?

Sticking to safe, polite conversation

If you’re talking to a woman that you want to attract and have a sexual relationship with, one thing that you need to understand is that you don’t always have to talk in a serious, formal, straightforward manner.

What’s most important to a woman is how she feels when she’s interacting with you. Does she feel bored or does she feel excited? Does she feel turned on or does she feel turned off?

Talking to a woman in a logical, intelligent, serious manner the whole time isn’t going to make her feel sexually attracted. She might be impressed about how intelligent you are and how good of a guy you are, but it’s not going to make her feel like she wants to have sex with you any time soon.

However, when you trigger feelings of sexual attraction inside of her, then the fact that you’re also an intelligent, good guy is simply a bonus to her. She feels excited about meeting a good guy who she also feels attracted to.

The thing that makes a woman want to have sex with you or start a relationship with you is sexual attraction and that is something that you need to actively trigger. When you’re talking to a woman, you need to be actively triggering feelings of sexual attraction.

The more ways that you can make a woman feel sexually attracted to you, the more attracted and interested she will be.

Example 4

Another example of conversation is where you’ve been talking to some women in a bar for a few minutes and you then make a joke about them having to buy you a drink.

A mistake that a lot of guys will make when they’re talking to women in bars or clubs is to buy them drinks as a way of keeping the interaction going.

A guy like that is hoping that he will make her feel guilty and obliged to keep talking to him, so he will then have enough time to grow on her. Yet, more time talking to her while not making her feel attracted isn’t going to make her want him.

There’s nothing wrong with buying a woman a drink in a bar, as long as it’s not done as a way to buy more of her time and attention. Feel free to buy a woman a drink if you’re actually getting along well with each other and she is attracted to you. Getting a drink at that point is absolutely fine.

The conversation example I want to give you here is where you’re talking to some women for a few minutes and you’re laughing and having a good time together.

After a few minutes of conversation, you can say something like this with a smile, “Y’know…I’ve been talking to you girls for two or three minutes here and none of you have offered to buy me a drink. It’s like…where’s your manners? My drink is empty here…what’s going on here?”

You’re joking about that. It’s not a serious thing to say.

You’re not being serious and you’re not making a demand that they have to buy you a drink. You are just joking around about it and that will make them laugh because women usually ask guys to buy them a drink, but you’re actually saying it first.

Think about it…

That is the type of humor that a funny TV talk show host would use. They playfully put people on the spot, reverse roles, etc. It’s funny. You can’t get into any trouble for it because you’re only joking. It’s completely harmless…and it’s funny, which is attractive to women.

One thing that you need to know about talking to women that you want to attract, is that you don’t have to be serious all the time. A lot of intelligent guys struggle with talking to women because they don’t want to talk about anything that might be seen as silly or that isn’t serious or formal.

They really don’t want to talk about anything (e.g. “pointless” small talk) that doesn’t showcase their academic intelligence or good intentions. As a result, guys like that often avoid joking around about things because they don’t want to come across as someone who isn’t serious about life or who isn’t a very smart man.

However, when you’re talking to women, you need to be able to make them feel attracted to you. You need to trigger feelings of sexual attraction by making them feel attracted to you in many different ways. Using humor is just one of the ways to make women feel attracted to you.

At The Modern Man, I teach guys how to make women feel attracted to them in more than 100 different ways. Some of the conversation examples I’ve given you so far are just showcasing three or four different ways of attracting women in very subtle ways. You can actually attract women in more than 100 different ways.

Example 5

Talking to girls at university

Another example of conversation is not about a woman who is working, but a woman who is at university. So, say for example a guy is talking to a girl at university and he then asks her what she is studying. She tells him that he is studying medicine.

He can then say what almost every guy will say to her at that point, which will be something like, “Oh wow…that’s really cool. Good on you!” That’s what most guys are going to say to her because they just want to be nice to her and give her a compliment.

They don’t even know that they can make her feel attracted in that moment.

So, instead of just being the typical nice guy who gives her a compliment and is trying really hard to show her that he is good guy, he can make her feel attracted.

BTW: There’s nothing wrong with being a good guy. You should be a good guy, but you can also make women feel attracted to you at certain moments in a conversation!

When she says that she is studying medicine, he can say something like this to make her feel attracted to him…

“Oh, medicine…that sounds pretty easy. I mean, when I saw you I thought you looked like a smart girl. I thought I you might be studying something a little bit more difficult than that. Medicine…anyone can do that. Anyone can be a doctor. It’s like…oh, okay – you’ve got the flu? Here, take these antibiotics…it’s not going to work, but there you go…or…oh yeah, cut his leg off…we won’t be able to save that leg, sorry.”

By making her laugh and displaying confidence like that, he will be attracting her in two different ways at once. That is much better than just being friendly and not creating any sexual attraction.

A comment like that is not meant to be serious. You are just joking around and having a laugh with her. You’re creating a funny situation out of nothing, which is attractive to women. Women are attracted to guys who can make them laugh and who are confident to say things like that and not be afraid of making a mistake.

Rejected for playing it too safe
A lot of guys are afraid to say something that a girl might not like. They are worried about making a mistake while talking to her, so they just shut up and don’t say much at all. They stick to safe, polite and friendly conversation, but that’s not what makes women feel attracted.

Topics to Avoid

For the record here, there are some topics that you should try to avoid when you’re talking to women…

Those include: Death, murder, rape, disease and things like that. Obviously, getting into those types of topics isn’t going to make a woman want to have sex with you, but generally speaking, you can talk about whatever you want to talk about as long as you’re not being really serious about it all the time.

A lot of guys make the mistake of trying to show women how intelligent they are, how much of a good guy they are, how trustworthy they are as a guy and how loyal they are. They hope that by showcasing those traits to the woman, it will eventually make her think, “You know what? This guy’s a really good guy…I’ve got to have sex with him. I’ve got to give him my phone number!”

Yet, the way that it really works is that you’ve actually got to make a woman feel attracted to you. You’ve got to trigger feelings of sexual attraction (not friendly, non-sexual feelings) by the way that you talk to her and interact with her.

Why Some Guys Get All the Girls…Even Though They Aren’t as Intelligent as You Are

Getting all the girls
You might have seen it happen before…

You might have seen other guys who aren’t as intelligent as you are, who aren’t as good of a guy as you are, but when they talk to a woman, sparks fly between them within seconds. Minutes later, you see them kissing and leaving the party, bar or club together.

Sparks fly immediately

What’s happening is that the guy is taking the shortcut to success with women. He’s not trying to get to know her for hours, days or weeks before he reveals his sexual or romantic interest. He’s making her feel sexual attraction for him right away and moving things right along.

It’s actually a more honest, direct and effective approach to use than “playing it safe” and acting like a friendly guy who doesn’t have any sexual interest in her.

What a lot of guys make the mistake of doing is thinking, “Well, I’m going to talk to this woman and I’m going to tell her all about myself…I’m going to listen to her and what she’s got to say. I’m going to try my best to connect with her and then hopefully, she’s going to like me.”

Whereas, what you actually need to do is trigger her feelings of sexual attraction for you right away.

Once a woman’s feelings of sexual attraction are triggered, you then build on that and connect with her. If you don’t know how to do that when talk to women, you have to learn it.

Do You Have All the Answers For Success With Women Already…or Do You Need to Learn a Few Extra Things About Women?

Do you need to learn?
Most guys need to learn how to be more successful with women….not just you.

You’re not alone with this.

Some guys have a natural ability with women and they learn this sort of stuff instinctively as they grow up. Just like you might be better at certain things in life compared to other guys, the guys who are naturally good with women currently have an edge over you.

Yet, that doesn’t mean you can attract women like the naturals do. You can actually do it better if you learn what we teach here at The Modern Man.

If a guy isn’t naturally good with women, he might be lucky enough to grow up with a father figure who can teach him how to be successful with women. If that isn’t available, he might have uncles, brothers or cousins who can teach him where he is going wrong with women.

However, if you are one the guys who haven’t had that type of upbringing or if you are one of the guys who isn’t naturally good with women, you actually have to learn how. If no-one around is teaching you this stuff, you’ve got to actively learn it.

100 or 200 years ago, men didn’t have to learn this kind of stuff because women needed men. Back then, a man could talk to a woman he liked and make all sorts of mistakes that get modern men rejected and he would still be able to marry her.

The old days...

Women had less options to choose from and needed to find a man to marry. If a woman didn’t marry young and become a housewife, she was looked down upon and seen as weird. Back then, society basically looked at the life of a woman as being about serving a man. Cooking for him, cleaning and taking care of the offspring, while he went out and earned money to take care of them.

In the past, a man would basically have to show that he could take care of a woman and provide for her. He would court her, buy her gifts and show her that he was capable of taking care of her. He would then ask her father for her hand in marriage and they would lose their virginity on the wedding night.

Ahh, so easy…

Back then, men didn’t have to know how to attract women or be great at conversation. If you began courting a woman and she showed some interest, it essentially meant that you and her were going to get married…even if you sucked at conversation.

Yet, today (whether anyone likes it or not), it’s all about instant attraction and living life on your own terms. Society has changed and is not going back to the 1800s or 1900s. You either adapt or get left behind.

These days, most women are allowed to have sex before marriage and they happily do so. Most women don’t need a man for their survival because they can earn their own money and be protected by the society around them. As a result of that, most women only select men that they feel very attracted to.

When a woman interacts with a guy, if he doesn’t make her feel sexual attraction, then there is no need for her to have be with him. She doesn’t need him. She is looking for a guy that makes her want him, but she doesn’t actually need a man for her immediate survival.

Why Aren’t Women Interested in Me?

A lot of good guys come to my website and ask me questions about why they are struggling so much to get a girlfriend or get laid. Over the years, some guys have said things like, “I don’t know what it is with women these days…I talk to them and they don’t like me. I’m a good guy, so how can I show her that I’m actually a good guy…I’m not going to hurt her…I’m a trustworthy guy, so she should be with me.”

Yet, that’s not everything that a woman needs to feel or know to want to begin a sexual relationship with you. What she wants to feel is sexual attraction, not just nice, friendly feelings for you. Being good is not good enough. You also need to make women feel sexual attraction.

What a lot of good guys don’t realize is that most guys in this world are good guys.

If you’re talking to a woman and are thinking that you have an edge over other guys because you’re a good guy, then think again. Women have a huge selection of good guys to choose from, but being good isn’t what turns a woman on sexually.

What turns a woman on sexually are the male personality traits and behaviors that naturally attract women. In your life right now, you are either triggering those feelings of attraction in women when you interact with them, or you’re not.

If you’re not triggering those feelings when you’re interacting with women, then it doesn’t matter how good of a guy you are. There are loads of other good guys who would happily have sex with her as well, but what she is trying to find is a guy who makes her feel sexually attracted.

Want to Learn More About Conversation?

I hope you’ve learnt something useful from the examples of conversation that I’ve provided in this post.

If you now want to get an in-depth education on how to talk to women and make them feel attracted to you and want to be with you sexually and romantically, then I have a program for that called, The Ultimate Guide to Conversation.

The Ultimate Guide to Conversation is an audio program that Ben, Stu and I put together. Ben, Stu and I are the coaches here at The Modern Man. To create the program, we met up on several occasions (months of work) to plan and create a structured program that teaches a guy how to talk to women so he can get a girlfriend, get laid or make a woman fall in love with him during a conversation.

Before getting into the recording studio to record the audio, we spent a lot of time discussing exactly what we say that makes women feel instantly attracted and how we make women fall in love with us during a conversation.

We also discussed where guys go wrong, the mistakes they make and how to easily fix those mistakes so a guy can begin talking to women in a way that instantly sparks attraction and then builds on that to create intense feelings of attraction inside of a woman.

When everything was ready, we put it all together into a structured program called, The Ultimate Guide to Conversation.

In the program, you will learn what to say to start conversations with women, how to keep conversations going and keep them interesting, how to flirt with women and create a sexual vibe, how to get a woman to fall in love with you during a conversation and want to have sex with you and be your girlfriend.

I don't know what to say to women

So, if you are one of the guys who needs to learn how to attract women properly, don’t be afraid of that. Don’t think that it’s something you need to hide or feel ashamed of. Some guys are naturally good with women, but not all guys are.

As for me…

I had to learn how to be good with women and same with Ben from The Modern Man, but Stu is a natural and has always been good with women. In the past, I used to walk up to talk to women and feel extremely nervous about it. I didn’t know what to say or how to get them to feel attracted to me.

I’d start talking to women and run out of things to say within 30 seconds to a minute. I’d then be standing there facing an awkward silence and I would just leave. I didn’t know how to get past that, but I kept going out and approaching women and I eventually worked it out.

As for Ben, he was going out to approach women long before we met and we all met at a time where the three of us (Ben, Stu and I) were successful with women. I’d worked it out, Ben had worked it out and Stu had always been good with women, so we joined forces and started The Modern Man.

Knowing What to Say

Conversation is one of those things that guys really need to be good at if they want to be successful with women.

If you’re talking to a woman and you don’t know how to charm her, make her feel attracted to you and want to have sex with you by the way that you’re talking to her, then you’re going to have a really difficult time getting yourself a girlfriend.

So, if you don’t know how to make women feel attracted to you when you talk to them, go ahead and listen to The Ultimate Guide to Conversation and learn this stuff, so you can start attracting women and have your choice of women.

The Ultimate Guide to Conversation

You are either going to go through your life and get this education from your father, your uncles, your cousins, your brothers or friends who can teach you, or you’re going to learn from us.

That is one of the reasons why we’re called The Modern Man…

Never in human history has it been possible for men to help each other like this from across the world. I can be your friend, I can be your brother, I can be your cousin, so to speak. I can be there for you and same with Ben and Stu. We can be your male peer group that teaches you the essential lessons that you need to learn to be successful with women.

Once you learn this stuff and start using it, you will see how easy it is to attract women. If you’re interacting with women at the moment and they’re not really feel attracted to you, that’s because you’re not actively triggering feelings of sexual attraction inside of the woman/women.

You might be triggering a bit of sexual attraction, but you’re not triggering enough.

At The Modern Man, we teach guys how to make women feel attracted to them in more than 100 different ways. You can attract women in so many different ways and during a conversation is the best time to do it.

When you’re talking to a woman, you can make her feel attracted in 20 or 30 different ways during a 5-minute conversation. It’s actually very easy to do, so if you’re interesting learning more about conversation, check out The Ultimate Guide to Conversation

You will really enjoy listening to the program and you will learn so many amazing insights about attracting women and get so many examples of what to say to make women want you.

It’s a 10-hour audio program where you will learn exactly what to say to start conversations, keep them going and keep them interesting, build on a woman’s sexual attraction and desire for you to the point where she just has to have you.

Want to Know the SECRET to Success With Women?

Watch this hidden video where Dan exposes his BIGGEST secret to success with women, which allows you to easily get laid or get a girlfriend.

This video is only available here and you can watch it for free right now.

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