So, does a man need to make all of the decisions when in a relationship with a woman?

Heck no.

A common misconception out there is that to be the man in a relationship, you have to make all the decisions, do all the work and the woman just comes along for the ride.

That’s not how it works.

To help you understand how it works, think about a leader or a boss in a work environment.

A leader or a boss in a work environment will have people that work for him.

They will make decisions for him on his behalf and they’ll do things for him.

They will also try to impress him and get his approval.

What the leader or boss does is provide general leadership.

He doesn’t have to decide on everything and do all of the work.

The same fundamental principle applies to a relationship with a woman.

Now, of course, if some feminists ever see this video, they’ll probably get angry at me for comparing a woman to an employee, but I don’t care what they think.

This is an example to help men succeed in their relationships with women and it doesn’t actually mean that a woman is an employee).

It’s an example to put it into context.

So, to expand on the example, imagine that you want to go out and eat at a restaurant with your woman.

Do you need to always make the decision on where you’re going to eat?

Do you need to force her to go along with your decision?


The way that it works is that a man can make the decision on where to go and eat, but if his woman doesn’t agree, he doesn’t have to be inflexible about that.

He can come up with some other options or get her involved in the decision-making process and they can decide together where they going to eat that night.

So, for example: A man might say to his woman, “Hey, I’m in the mood for Indian food tonight.”

She might then say yes and then they go out and eat Indian food together and have a great night.

However, what happens if she disagrees and says that she’s not in the mood for Indian food that night?

He has a number of options.

He might say to her, “Hey, come on, I want to eat Indian food tonight, come along, you’ll enjoy it.” She might then go along with him.

Alternatively, he might say to her, “Alright, well, if you’re not in the mood for Indian food tonight, how about Mexican?”

She might then agree or disagree.

That’s okay.

He doesn’t need to force her to go along with one of the options that he has come up with.

For example: If she disagrees, he might then say to her, “Alright, cool, what are you in the mood for eating tonight?”

She might then come up with a couple of options and he might like one of those options and give approval for one of those options (like a boss or a leader in a work environment).

For example: She says that she wants to eat Japanese food, or Chinese food that night and he might say, “Yeah, cool, I’m in the mood for Chinese, let’s go and eat that.”

Yet, what about if he doesn’t like the options that she has come up with?

What does he do then?

Well, what you have to remember is that as the man, all you need to do is provide the general leadership for the relationship.

You don’t have to decide on everything and you don’t have to force a woman to go along with your decisions.

So, for example: If she said that she wanted to eat Japanese food or Chinese food, the man might then say, “Well, I’m not in the mood for that tonight, what else can you think of?”

She might then think of another option.

However, if she’s really set on eating Japanese or Chinese food that night, he can make an exception.

He can say, “Yeah, cool, well look, you sound like you really want to eat that tonight. You haven’t had it for a while, so let’s go and eat that.”

As you might be able to notice though, when the man says that and goes along with her idea, it doesn’t mean that she is the leader.

He is still providing general leadership for the relationship, he is still giving approval for the direction that they are going on that particular night.

Now, as I said earlier, a man doesn’t always have to make the decisions.

Sometimes he might say to a woman, “Hey, what do you in the mood for eating tonight? I don’t really care, whatever you want to eat, I’m going to eat that tonight. I just don’t really care about what we eat tonight.”

She might come up with an option and he will go along with that.

No problem at all.

Where guys run into trouble is when they say that to their woman every night, or about pretty much everything in the relationship, where they say, “I don’t really care, I’ll do whatever you want to do, you decide, I’ll go along with it and so on.”

Most women don’t like to be in that position with a guy because they end up feeling like a mother figure to him, where they have to decide on everything, take care of him, bring him along to what they’re doing and essentially carry him throughout life.

The best and easiest approach to a relationship with a woman is where you provide the general leadership and you give approval for things, but you get her to make decisions as well, you get her to do some of the work as well.

So, when it comes to a relationship with a woman, don’t ever stress out and think that you’re not manly enough because you’re not making all of the decisions.

All you have to do, like a leader or a boss in a work environment, is provide general leadership for the relationship.

You don’t have to make all the decisions for her and you don’t have to do all the work.

Instead you provide the general leadership for the relationship and you get her to make some decisions and get her to do some of the work as well.

Learn More?

Okay, I hope you’ve enjoyed this video and learned something from it.

If you’d like to learn more, I recommend that you watch or listen to my program, Make Her Love You For Life.

When you watch or listen to the program, you will learn exactly how to make your woman respect you, feel sexually attracted to you and be totally in love with you for life.

Making Decisions in a Relationship

Couple decision making - the man provides general leadership

One final point that I want to make for you in this video, is that you can decide on things if you want to, but you can also hand over responsibility to her.

If you want to decide where to go and eat or where to go on a holiday and so on and then plan that, you can go ahead and do it, but you can also hand over responsibility for certain things in the relationship to her.

She can take on responsibility for some things in the relationship.

You can help her with it and provide some guidance and give approval for things if she needs it, but you don’t have to make all the decisions and do all the work.

The same applies when you’re a leader or a boss in a work environment.

You don’t have to make all the decisions and do all the work.

So, I hope this video has helped you to understand that as a man, you don’t have to make all the decisions and do all the work.

Instead, when in a relationship with a woman, all you need to do is provide general leadership for you and her.

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