When in a relationship, how can you make a woman want to treat you well, be good to you, be attentive, be affectionate, be loving, be caring and so on?

How can you effectively turn on what I call, The Good Girl Switch in her mind, where she loves the feeling that she gets when she’s good to you?

One way to do it is to be truly emotionally independent.

This is where you do not need her emotional support or attention.

The reason why that works is that for women, there is a big difference between being in a relationship with a guy who needs emotional support in order to feel good about himself and feel okay, compared to being in a relationship with a guy who doesn’t need emotional support from her and doesn’t even need any of her attention.

Make her want to be important in your life

As a result of him being like that, she wants to feel needed in his life.

She wants to feel important in his life.

She wants to be a good girl for him because he is clearly a man who has got his stuff together.

He’s not like an emotionally needy guy who needs a pat on the back, or a hug to feel better about himself.

He already feels good and as a result, she feels like she needs to do something to feel needed and important in his life.

So, what’s an example of how that works?

Well, imagine that an emotionally needy man came home from work, he had a crappy day at work and he comes home and he meets up with his girlfriend or wife.

He then starts saying, “Yeah, I had a really crappy day at work today. Oh, my boss is being a pain in the ass. So, I really need a hug. Come here honey” and then he wants to talk about his crappy day.

He wants her to listen and essentially give him a pat on the back and tell him that everything’s going to be okay.

Now, compare that to an emotionally independent man who had a crappy day at work.

He comes home and his woman asks him, “How was work today?” and he says, “Well, it was a pretty crappy day at work today, but you know, you have those days” in a way that suggests he doesn’t need to talk about it any further.

She will then almost certainly want to find out more about what made the day crappy, or she might not ask any further because she may know that he has got his stuff handled.

He doesn’t need her to be patting him on the back, telling him that everything’s going to be okay, trying to motivate him and encourage him to keep walking and keep going in life and tell him that everything’s going to be alright.

Yet, in most cases when a man is emotionally independent his woman will want to find out more.

She’ll want to feel needed in his life.

She’ll want to try to help and be there and give him love and attention and so on.

She will want to feel needed and important in his life, so she might ask him, “Oh, what happened, honey? Why was it a crappy day?”

He can answer that question in many different ways.

He can joke around with her and turn it into something to laugh about, so they don’t have to go deeper into the crappy day that he really doesn’t care about anyway.

He can let her see that he’s got it handled and is already thinking about how he can get a promotion at work, or get out of that job and get into another one.

So, he has his stuff sorted.

He doesn’t need her to get too involved in his life, but he can also open up and talk about the crappy day while letting her see that he has got it handled and that everything is okay.

So, with the example of joking around with her and turning it into something to laugh about, when she asked him, “So, what made the day crappy? What happened?”, he can joke around and jokingly say something like, “Well, it was a crappy day because…you weren’t there.”

He can then laugh, give a bit of a tickle, have a hug and they can have a laugh together and then get on with the rest of their evening together.

Alternatively, if he wanted to answer the question and give her some more details, there’s nothing wrong with that.

It’s not emotionally needy to talk about what has gone on in your day, to talk about some emotions and so on.

The difference is when a man needs a woman to give him that support and if she doesn’t give him that support, he is going to feel really sad and down and she’s going to have to keep patting him on the back and telling him that everything is okay.

If an emotionally independent man were to talk about the day being crappy, he might say something like this, “Well, it was a pretty crappy day at work, because I’m already overloaded with work and my boss came over and gave me another project to work on, on top of that so on. So, it’s like, ‘Come on, how hard do you want to work me?’ You know, I’m actually thinking about maybe getting another job or something because I think I have the type of skills now that can get me a better job. I don’t need to stay at that level. I can start moving up.”

She can then see that he is able to take care of himself.

Just like every other man in the world, he experiences problems and challenges and issues, but an emotionally independent man will take care of the situation himself.

So, when you’re truly emotionally independent and you don’t need a woman’s support or attention, she wants to give that to you because she wants to feel needed and important in your life.

As a result of being like that you’re doing one of the things that turn on what I call The Good Girl Switch in a woman’s mind, where she naturally wants to be a good girl for you.

She treats you well.

She cares about you.

She is attentive and she loves you and wants the best for you.

Unfortunately, a lot of guys don’t learn what you have been learning so far in this video and as a result, when they notice their woman losing interest in the relationship and no longer being as attentive or interested and essentially being more interested in her phone, her friends, her studies or her work than him, he will often go down one of the following routes which don’t work.

He might get angry at her and start having arguments with her about the fact that she has changed.

Why won't you give me the love and attention I need?

He might start sulking and complaining and saying that she’s making him feel upset because she’s not giving him the attention and love that he wants in a relationship.

He might start to treat her badly because he wants to get revenge on her for making him feel the way that she’s been making him feel.

On the other hand, what some guys do is that they see that their woman has changed and is no longer really in love with them and doesn’t really seem to care anymore and the guy will then start to suck up to her.

He’ll start buying her things.

He’ll start taking her out to nice restaurants.

He’ll start doing more chores around the house and will essentially try to make her life as easy and nice as possible.

Yet, no matter what he does for her, it’s never enough, it never works, or he’s never able to flick on that Good Girl Switch again, the way that she was at the start of the relationship.

He’s not able to get her back to that state of being.

He’s not able to bring out that behavior inside of her.

So, what I want you to know is that when you’re in a relationship with a woman, you do not have to put in loads of effort and buy her lots of things and do loads of things for her in order to make her happy enough to treat you well.

That’s not how it works.

As a man, the best way to approach a relationship with a woman is to interact with her in ways that naturally make her feel respect, attraction and love for you without you having to do loads of work, put in loads of effort, buy her things and treat her like a princess and so on.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with treating a woman well in a relationship.

There’s nothing wrong with being a good man, but you don’t need to put in loads of effort and suck up to a woman and you don’t need to stress out and have arguments with her and try to tell her to change and go back to the way that she used to be.

That doesn’t work.

You’ve just got to interact with her in ways that naturally bring out the best in her.

What you’ll find when you approach your relationship in that way, is that it becomes pretty much effortless for you.

Bring out her good girl side

You no longer have to put in loads of effort to try to get something from her.

Instead, she gives and gives and gives because it feels good to her to be like that for you.

She wants to be a good girl for you.

Learn More?

Okay, I hope you’ve enjoyed this video and learn something from it.

If you’d like to learn more, I recommend that you watch or listen to my program, Make Her Love You For Life.

When you watch or listen to the program, you will learn exactly how to make your woman respect you, feel sexually attracted to you and be totally in love with you for life.

You will learn my best techniques for making a woman be a good girl for you, making her be loving and affectionate and attentive and actually care about you and the relationship.

As I said earlier on in the video, being emotionally independent is one way to flick on that Good Girl Switch inside of a woman.

There are many other ways that you flick on that Good Girl Switch inside of her, so she is a good woman for you and you will learn all about that in the program.

Bring Out the Best in Her, or Some Other Guy Will

Bring out the best in her, or some other guy will

One final point that I want to make for you in this video, is that pretty much every woman on the planet has it within her to be a good girl.

She’s got it inside of her.

Some guys don’t know how to bring that side out of a woman when in a relationship with her.

As a result, she doesn’t ever show her loving, supportive, attentive, caring, good girl side to him.

Yet, if she breaks up with him and gets into a relationship with another guy who brings out the good girl side of her, then she’ll be a completely different person in that relationship.

She always had it inside of her to be that type of good girl who is loving and attentive and affectionate, caring and actually wants to do good things for her man, but the other guy wasn’t able to bring that side out of her.

What you need to understand about women is that they are the happiest when they are in a relationship with a guy who brings that good girl side out of them.

A woman doesn’t want to be in a relationship where she’s being a pain in the butt, she’s being a nag, she isn’t being affectionate, she doesn’t want a hug, doesn’t want to have sex and so on.

She doesn’t want to be in that situation.

She wants to be in love, she wants to be happy and you can literally bring that side out of a woman.

When you do, she treats you so much better.

She’s more affectionate, she’s more attentive, she cares about you and she wants to do good things for you.

You deserve that type of respect, affection and attention from a woman and you can literally bring that out of her based on how you interact with her.

The Easy Way to Get Her to Love You Again

Getting her to love you, respect you, touch you and want you the way she did in the beginning, isn't difficult at all.

In fact, it's one of the easiest things you'll ever do.

So, if your woman isn't showing you the respect, love and affection you deserve, watch this eye-opening, life-changing video by Dan Bacon to find out what you've been missing.

You will discover what she has been WAITING for you to do, but will probably never tell you about.

It's so simple and it works.

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