Masculinity is dead…or is it?
In recent times, masculinity has been under attack by Nivea, L’Oreal, Garnier and all the other cosmetic and beauty houses, who have been trying to convince men that they need to look young, fresh and healthy like women.
Masculinity is also being attacked by ultra feminist bloggers who have come to believe that men are toxic, evil and need to be more like women.
Why Are Modern Men Being Encouraged (and Even Forced) to Behave the Same Way as Women?
Men are being encourage to use moisturizer, plucking their eyebrows, dye their gray hairs, get manicures to keep their nails looking good and do more housework to please women.
Yet, will he become more attractive to women if he does these things?
Of course not.
The politically correct media wants you to believe that men should be more like women because they are unable to admit the truth: Women are the ones who need to look pretty to attract men. Men need to be confident and emotionally strong and they will be attractive to women.
The media simply does not have the courage to admit that and in many cases, the awareness, because they too are confused.
As a result, men are becoming more and more confused about what it really means to be a man and what their role is in a relationship with a woman.
A lot of men are also afraid to express masculinity in case a feminist gets angry, accuses him of being a chauvinist and tries to humiliate him in front of others.
Everywhere a guy turns, he gets politically correct, confusing messages that aren’t actually going to help him succeed with women in real life.
Sometimes, guys will tell me things like, “I ran into a hairdresser at a party and she said that if I dye my gray hair I’ll be more attractive to women,” or, “I read in a magazine that if I help more with the household chores, I’ll get more sex from my wife.”
He then dies his hair and real women think he is an insecure weirdo who needs to man up and age gracefully.
Likewise, the guy who does all the housework ends up losing the respect of his wife and she stops feeling attracted to him.
So, what’s a guy to do?
Not care about his appearance?
Be an asshole and not help around the house at all?
It’s fine for a man to take care of his appearance and even help around the house, but the moment he thinks that his appearance is the most important thing to women, or that doing chores will hopefully get him laid, he loses.
Most women simply aren’t attracted to men who behave like women (i.e. focus on and worry about their appearance), or who think that doing nice things or being helpful will allow him to get some action in the bedroom.
Instead, women have and likely will always be attracted to men who remain being masculine, regardless of how much a woman pretends that she doesn’t like it.
The Media and Corporate Advertising Giants Have Brainwashed Young Men
According to a report by JWT Intelligence, Millennials (guys aged between 18 and 34) are now leading the way when it comes to using, and being okay with using, male skincare and cosmetic products.
75% of men now agree that “Men and women don’t need to conform to traditional roles and behaviors anymore” and that “Gender doesn’t define a person as much as it used to.”
60% of American and British men in the 18-34 age group believe that it’s acceptable, and even necessary, for them to use skin care products, with 18% even happy to wear makeup such as foundation or concealer.
In Asia these figures are even higher.
South Korea is one of the largest consumers of men’s skin care products, alone claiming a fifth of the worldwide sales.
According to the AP, South Korea has now been dubbed “the male makeup capital of the world” where “effeminate male beauty” is now regarded as a sign of social success.
In India, teenagers are fueling the massive, 18% annual growth in men’s cosmetics and in some Indian cities, makeup classes for men have been introduced.
In China, the cosmetic market is worth $1 billion and according to Kantar Worldpanel, “Chinese men take greater care in their grooming routines than European men, using products more frequently. Younger male consumers are shifting away from their conservative traditions,” says a senior analyst.
Why would Chinese guys be doing that?
There are way more men in China than women and when women are in high demand, they usually make guys jump through all sorts of hoops to be with them…even if what the women are telling guys to do actually makes the guy less attractive.
This is one of the reasons why men shouldn’t ever ask women for dating or relationship advice.
The fact is that women will often say ONE thing and do a completely different thing altogether when it comes to dating and being in relationships with men.
I explain and provide examples in this video…
So, the men who listen to the women (i.e. who say that men should get manicures to make their nails look nice, pluck their eyebrows, dye gray hairs, cry to show their feminine side) won’t necessarily be getting results and will almost certainly be getting rejected, or dumped by dissatisfied, in demand women.
Do Women Prefer to Settle Down With Feminized Men?
To see exactly what type of men women are attracted to, EliteSingles decided to do a study, and lo and behold, it seems that a whopping 76% of the women in the study found feminine men more attractive than their macho counterparts.
If this study is to be believed, then the skincare and cosmetic companies are definitely on to something.
But not so fast!
As I explain in the video above, women almost ALWAYS say one thing and do something completely different when it comes to men (e.g. saying that they want a nice guy, but then lusting after bad boys).
Additionally, a study of 107 American married couples, conducted by evolutionary psychologists David Buss and Todd Shackelford found that beautiful women (determined by ratings of eight teams of male and female interviewers) want it all in a partner: “masculine, physically fit, loving, educated, desirous of home and children, a few years older than themselves and with a high income potential.”
Although most women do want a masculine man, many have to accept a feminine guy, because masculine guys (especially these days) are hard to find.
That doesn’t mean the woman will stick with the feminine guy though, or be attracted to him to want to keep their sex life going throughout the relationship.
If she meets a more masculine guy who is interested in her and she is fed up with putting up with her feminine guy, then she will likely cheat or break up with her feminine guy.
The reality is that the kind of man that women want is masculine, regardless of what the media says in an attempt to convince men to buy moisturizers or make up.
How I Became More Masculine and Got What I Wanted With Women
Personally, I used to believe that because I wasn’t a good looking guy, pretty women just weren’t going to be interested in me.
I even asked some women and got surprisingly negative feedback about my appearance (e.g. too short, receding hairline, need to work out and build muscle, average, not my type).
This resulted in me being more emotionally feminine (i.e. focusing on my appearance and thinking that it was the answer to being attractive), in addition to being insecure and developing a fear of being rejected by women who looked better than I did.
Attractive women could sense it and it turned them off.
Unattractive women also sensed it and it made them like me, because they could see that I didn’t even recognize my own value, so they had a chance of potentially being able to hook up with me and keep me in a relationship.
It was a horrible position to be in as a man.
Thankfully though, I gradually realized that seeking the answers from women was not the right approach, because I had heard literally women saying that they wanted a nice guy, but then saw them lusting after a bad boy.
Deep down, I knew that women couldn’t be relied on for the answers, so I figured it out myself and as a result of developing a more masculine mindset in terms of attractiveness (i.e. not relying on looks and instead, relying on my confidence and balls/courage), I went onto enjoy my choice of pretty women for many years, before eventually settling down and marrying my perfect woman.
I then met my beautiful, sexy, young wife…
My wife was 20 when I met her and I was 35.
When I met her, she was a sexy, hot young chick in a nightclub and there were 50-100 metrosexual guys (i.e. guys who were paying way too much attention to their appearance) in the club.
I was wearing fairly casual clothes, was confident as always, hadn’t been working out in the gym at that time and I just went ahead and did my thing.
Next thing you know, her and I were together and we’ve been inseparable ever since.
I didn’t need to wear a moisturizer, wear the latest designer clothes, pluck my eyebrows, whiten my teeth or even work out in the gym (not that there’s anything wrong with working out at the gym. I’m just making the point that I didn’t even need to do that).
I did it all with confidence and my natural method for attracting women that always works.
Men Being Feminine in Relationships
My wife is an alpha female and is easily the most challenging, feisty women I’ve ever been with.
Yet, I am the more dominant one in the relationship.
If I were to give her a 50/50 relationship (i.e. where we equally share the power), it would fall apart.
Just like most women out there, she doesn’t want to be my equal in terms of dominance (i.e. feel like my partner or friend).
She wants to be able to feel girly and feminine in response to my bulletproof masculinity (i.e. my ability to remain confident and maintain the dominant, masculine position regardless of what tantrums, or tests she throws my way).
This allows her to be my girl (rather than my partner, housemate or friend), which results in the sexual spark remaining alive (and even growing further) and her and I remaining in love romantically.
As a result of allowing her to have that kind of relationship experience, she sticks to me like super glue and hates to spend any time apart from me.
She also knows that if she lets other women hang around me when she’s not there, they will try to steal me from her.
It’s not because I’m good looking.
I’m still the average looking guy I was, but I know how to be the man and women want that.
So, if women are around me when she’s not there, most begin to flirt and try to make me want them.
My wife has literally voiced that concern at least 50 times throughout our relationship, but has stopped talking about it as much since we had children together and she knows I won’t be leaving her.
My wife not a needy girl or anything like that.
Instead, she just knows what women are like and how secretly thirsty they are to get their hands on a masculine man who can allow them to be a girl.
As a result, my wife feels proud to have me and is always trying harder to improve our relationship, keep me happy and keep me satisfied.
Yes, that often includes morning blowjobs.
Gotta love her.
Anyway, back to the unfortunate situations that other guys find themselves in these days with the lame, mainstream media trying to turn them into pussies…
Today, so many guys end up in the opposite position in their relationship with a woman (i.e. the guy is always worried about another man taking his girl).
He becomes increasingly insecure, jealous and clingy, until his woman eventually feels so turned off by him that she either leaves or cheats on him.
He knows what he is doing is wrong, but he can’t stop himself from doing it because he has incorrectly set up a relationship dynamic with the woman being in the power position.
He fell for the politically correct garbage that says men and women are the same and a relationship should be 50/50 in terms of dominance.
No, it should not.
The man needs to be the more dominant one.
If he isn’t, his woman will eventually get fed up of him and leave or cheat.
If she doesn’t leave or cheat, she will stop wanting sex and he’ll be destined for a life of lonely masturbating, while putting up with her increasingly unnecessary demands to hopefully regain her affection.
Yet, he never does regain her affection, or attraction because she’s not attracted to a man who is a pussy.
So, here’s what you need to remember…
Most guys who fall victim to the 50/50 relationship idea that a man and a woman should be equal in a relationship, don’t actually end up being the woman’s equal.
She gradually or very quickly takes away his power, until she is completely in control of the relationship and can control him with the threat of a break up, or the threat of no more sex.
Guys like that end up getting dumped, cheated on or divorced in high numbers because the woman no longer feels enough respect, attraction and love to justify remaining in a relationship.
Additionally, guys who start a relationship with the woman in the one up position (i.e. she is in the position of power) also suffer a similar fate.
In most cases, the woman never truly loves him, always has one foot out the door ready to leave and almost always cheats or has random sex with guys that she actually finds attractive.
This is one of the reasons why up to 10% of babies born in some populations end up being raised by sweet, feminine men who are not actually their biological fathers.
The poor guy thinks he got her pregnant, but it turns out that she was banging a guy from work, or had a one night stand when she went out with her girlfriends and told him that she slept over at her girlfriend’s place.
Men Who Focus Too Much on Their Appearance
Although there is nothing wrong with a guy taking care of his physical appearance, spending more time fussing over your looks than a woman does, simply isn’t attractive to women.
According to research conducted in Britain, women prefer real men over their pretty boy counterparts who spend more time and money primping and preening.
When asked how they felt about men fussing over their looks, most women were in agreement and as one woman put it, “I can’t stand vain high maintenance men. It should never take a man longer to get ready than a woman.”
Another added, “If guys have muscles as a result a demanding job or keeping fit then great, but if it’s because they spend hours honing certain parts of themselves with no actual interest in their health just their vanity, then that is such a turn off! So effeminate!”
The question is: What drives a man to want to be a pretty boy, or make sure he looks as physically attractive as possible?
In most cases, the guy thinks that it’s the answer to attracting women.
He assumes that if he makes himself look good, beautiful women will show him interest, hit on him and flirt with him and he’ll be able to pick and choose.
Yet, as evidenced by the more than 1,000 comments on my video, 4 Reasons Why Good Looking Guys Rarely Get the Girl They Want, many good looking guys get LOOKED at by pretty women, but end up with unattractive women.
Additionally, many guys simply believe the BS from the media, which essentially says, “If you have six pack abs, women will hit on you and you will get the girl you want” or, “If you have big biceps and an athletic physique, hot women will flock to you” or, “If you use this brand name moisturizer, women will find you more attractive and have a ‘wow’ reaction when they see you,” or “If you hide your gray hairs with dye, you will get the younger women you want.”
Yet, women can instantly sense when a man is trying too hard in the hope of being chosen by women (i.e. he’s behaving like a woman by hoping to be approached and selected), versus a confident, masculine man who also takes care of his appearance because he wants to.
Big difference.
Don’t get me wrong though: Not all women are turned off by feminine, pretty boys.
Some women like being the dominant one in a relationship and dating an insecure pretty boy, because he is emotionally weak and she can more easily control him.
Yet, in almost all cases, women who want a guy like that are either unattractive, or very insecure (i.e. she feels like she couldn’t keep a confident, masculine man in a relationship, so she accepts a feminine, pretty boy. Yet, she will likely leave him or cheat on him if a masculine man hits on her, makes her feel attracted and makes a move).
Just Because Women Need to Look Young to More Attractive, it Doesn’t Mean That Men Need to as Well
Although the media has done an excellent job of convincing guys that they need to look youthful, fresh and radiant like women, it’s just not true.
Take for example the concept of coloring gray hairs to look ‘younger.’
That works well for women, but it’s not a good idea for men.
A woman typically loses value on the mating market as she gets older, because she looks less and less fertile (i.e. able to have children), which is what instinctively attracts men.
Even though 99% of men would just like to sleep with a woman and not make a baby, the attraction is instinctively driven by the signs of her fertility (e.g. breasts, youthful appearance).
Men are naturally programmed to be attracted to healthy, youthful looking women because a woman’s fertility starts to decline in her mid-thirties and ends when she reaches menopause (45 to 55 years old).
For this reason, women need to use products such as moisturizers, makeup and hair dye to make themselves appear younger, so that they can attract men who are naturally programmed to be attracted to signs of fertility.
However, the same principle does not apply to men because men can make a woman pregnant, even into their 60s or 70s.
So, men do NOT have to make themselves look younger to be attractive to women, because women aren’t looking to see if a guy is young enough to give birth to multiple children.
He can blow into her when he’s 50 and she’s 25 and there won’t be a problem.
Yet, if he’s 25 and she’s 50, she will almost certainly not get pregnant and if she does, the chances of the baby being born with defects increases significantly.
Additionally, for most of human history, younger women paired up with more mature men because the more mature man could usually provide better resources and security, which would allow her to more easily raise their offspring.
Compare that to what a younger guy would be able to offer a woman in a small tribe, or village and you will understand why women developed a primal instinct to pair up with a more mature man.
So, in today’s world, when a man tries to hide his maturity by using botox to get rid of his wrinkles, wearing a toupee to hide his hair loss, or dyes his hair to cover the grays, he is literally getting rid of some of the things that make him attractive to women.
He gets sucked in by the politically correct, profit motivated messages that are out there trying to convince men to be more like women, not even realizing that he is making himself seem more unattractive, or potentially seem like a guy who isn’t even into women, if you know what I’m saying.
Men Being Sucked into Acting Like Women Around the Home
The feminization of men isn’t just about brainwashing men into using beauty products.
It’s also about brainwashing men into thinking, feeling, behaving and acting like traditional women, even though women (even feminists) have admitted that they prefer men who treat them like traditional women.
A common example of the mainstream media trying to get men to be more like women, is when TV hosts, guests on TV shows, bloggers or journalists suggest that men should either do all the housework (to hopefully then get laid by their girlfriend or wife), or they should do most of it because women are so busy these days.
Here’s the thing though…
There’s nothing wrong with a man helping out around the house if both him and his girlfriend or wife are very busy people.
Yet, if a woman dominates her boyfriend or husband in a relationship to the point where she demands or expects that he does the housework, while she makes up excuses why she can’t help, she will literally lost respect for him and as a result, also stop feeling sexually attracted to him.
According to a study in the American Sociological Review (based on data taken from the National Survey of Families and Households), married men who spend more time doing traditionally women’s chores, such as cooking, vacuuming, laundry and shopping, report having sex 1.5 times less per month than husbands who don’t help out that much.
In the study, men who mainly did what are considered manly chores, such as fixing a car, or taking out the trash were not only getting more sex, but their wife was also more sexually satisfied.
Women Are Actually Happier With Sexist Men
A study, entitled, “Why are Benevolent Sexists Happier”, conducted by psychologists on 6,000 New Zealanders, found that women are happier in relationships with sexist men.
The study also states, “Research indicates that the endorsement of sexist ideology is linked to higher subjective wellbeing for both men and women.”
Essentially, what this study suggests is that a couple’s well-being and sexual satisfaction is increased when both the man and the woman stick to what have always been perceived as traditional roles within the home.
Additionally, a study shown on America: Inside Out, revealed that when filling out a survey in a private manner, women are more sexist than men.
So, don’t get sucked in by the confused, often lying feminists who tell you that you and your girlfriend/wife should be gender neutral.
Be a man and let your woman be a woman, rather than looking at her as your equal partner in terms of masculine dominance.
If you maintain your masculinity, her respect and attraction for you will remain.
If you give up your masculinity to be more like her, her respect, attraction and love for you will fade away.
Want to Know the SECRET to Success With Women?
Watch this hidden video where Dan exposes his BIGGEST secret to success with women, which allows you to easily get laid or get a girlfriend.
This video is only available here and you can watch it for free right now.